Thursday, October 21, 2010


Election time everybody! Do you know who you're going to vote for? Are you even going to vote? What do the candidates stand for? and WHY THE HECK CAN A LIBERTARIAN NEVER WIN??

Well, I can't answer all of these questions for you and I'm not telling who I'm voting for even though I'd like to be able say I'm voting straight Libertarian. The problem here, as my mother has pointed out, is that Americans are uniformed. People are not educated as to the other party(ies) available. We are misinformed. Do you consider yourself a republican but find that you just don't agree with EVERYTHING that your republican candidate stands for? Chances are, you're really libertarian! There is a website you should check out, regardless of your supposed political association.  There is even a little quiz you can take that points out your true political association, if you answer the questions honestly of course. I recommend going to this website and checking it out. Educate yourself.

Me, I'm for less government, fair taxes, PATRIOTISM, and the future of this country. I'm for using our natural resources responsibly, recycling, and right now, I think we need DEFLATION instead of INFLATION of our economy. If we are in a recession, then recess, people, bring our prices down so that EVERYONE can benefit, so that everyone can SPEND money to get things going again. I think it makes sense...*shrug* but who am I to say anything about the state of economic affairs? I'm just a blond woman.

How about we start showing Glen Beck in our high school's home room classes. :o) I think it's brilliant!

Anyhoo, I need to go find out how much it's going to cost to reinstate my license to do hair. I need a job desperately!

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