Saturday, November 27, 2010


It's been a while since I've posted...I'm inconsistent sometimes. I haven't had much to talk about I guess.
So, here's what's been happening in my life. I made this great garb for the SCA group I plan to join, with the help of my great friend Alison and her mad sewing skills. :o)  I want to embellish the bodice with a celtic design I drew up and put it on each side under the bust. I think it'll be cool. I'm trying to come up with an SCA name...something period, unique, and ME.

I digress, I was going to tell you about the past month. So, Halloween was cool cuz I wore my garb to the Institute Halloween dance. I went to San Antonio on the 30th and spent some time with my alternate family, the Richardsons.  So, Anna, the mom, is one of my best friends and I met them while I was going through my divorce. Carmen, daughter, and I worked at the sno-cone stand in Weatherford that summer, that's how we met. Carmen and I had a lot in common and just hit it off. She was raised LDS and went to church with me a couple of times, one such Sunday, we met her parents and little brother, my Austin I love that kid, at Khols after church. I instantly connected with them. Our relationships just grew and grew. I adore that family. Almost as much as my own. I LOVE  MY OWN FAMILY MOM! Hehehe, had to throw that in there. So, Joey, the oldest Richardson son is a Marine and is being sent to Afghanistan in January and he's been training in California at Pendleton, so we had a going away party for him on the 30th. After that a group of us went out to the club and had a BLAST. For the first time ever, a man tried to get me to go with him into the bathroom. UM, do I have SLUT written across my forehead? No, I think not! I simply told him I was not that kind of girl and that I was simply there to DANCE. So, being the forgiving woman that I am, I let him take me back out on the dance floor and danced the night away. FUN! I love dancing! HAH!
 The next day I rode home with Anna, Allan, and Austin to Weatherford and spent a week at home. I got to spend time with Mom and Dad and most of my family, and saw some friends too.

I finally got a job!! YAY! The 30th, as I was getting ready to walk out the door, I got a call from University Flowers asking me if I was still available. HECK YES I WAS! So, I started delivering flowers again and am gainfully employed once again! WHOO! I was really worried there for a while. I had been to the unemployment office in Bryan and I was only one of hundreds, possibly a thousand plus, of unemployed workers in the Brazos Valley. I have NEVER been unemployed that long before, even when I was married, I'd get bored being a house wife and get a job for a few months and then my husband and I would have scheduling issues and I'd quit. Then I'd get bored after a month or two and go get another job. I don't like being a worker bee, but I get bored when I've got a spotless house and nothing to do all day.

This time, though, was different as I was collecting unemployment, which was NOT enough to cover bills, and not earning an income. It was scary not knowing if I was going to have enough to eat that week or the next day. I didn't enjoy the fact that I was one of those possible welfare recipients. I did not relish the thought of applying for food stamps, which was close to happening. I could never be one of those people who LIVED off of welfare undeserving, heck I hated deserving it! But, now things are getting better now that I know that I am working for my money. Not that unemployment is bad, I just felt dirty for some reason. So many people have these issues spouting off about unemployed and lazy people. I felt like I was being lazy, like maybe I wasn't doing enough to get a job. But everything is online these days. I went to the mall to apply for jobs and they told me to apply online! Do you know how many jobs I applied to online?? Me neither, but I'm guessing at least 200. Lets see, at least 3 a week for 5.5 months, that's 22 weeks,  so that's 66, but there were weeks that I applied for ten and fifteen jobs! Almost all of those were from websites that the jobs posted a need for employees! THAT IS A LOT OF JOBS PEOPLE! And I didn't get one! The job that I got, un-interviewed, over the phone, was one of the few places that I took my resume in to because workforce called me and told me they were looking and I had experience, and even then, it took them 3 weeks to call me back, after I had called and checked on my resume and they told me they weren't looking after all. I thought I was doomed!

Anyhoo, I got a job, I've been there 3 weeks now and I enjoy it. It can be daunting at times, but that's life. I guess that'll do for now. Happy living readers!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Election time everybody! Do you know who you're going to vote for? Are you even going to vote? What do the candidates stand for? and WHY THE HECK CAN A LIBERTARIAN NEVER WIN??

Well, I can't answer all of these questions for you and I'm not telling who I'm voting for even though I'd like to be able say I'm voting straight Libertarian. The problem here, as my mother has pointed out, is that Americans are uniformed. People are not educated as to the other party(ies) available. We are misinformed. Do you consider yourself a republican but find that you just don't agree with EVERYTHING that your republican candidate stands for? Chances are, you're really libertarian! There is a website you should check out, regardless of your supposed political association.  There is even a little quiz you can take that points out your true political association, if you answer the questions honestly of course. I recommend going to this website and checking it out. Educate yourself.

Me, I'm for less government, fair taxes, PATRIOTISM, and the future of this country. I'm for using our natural resources responsibly, recycling, and right now, I think we need DEFLATION instead of INFLATION of our economy. If we are in a recession, then recess, people, bring our prices down so that EVERYONE can benefit, so that everyone can SPEND money to get things going again. I think it makes sense...*shrug* but who am I to say anything about the state of economic affairs? I'm just a blond woman.

How about we start showing Glen Beck in our high school's home room classes. :o) I think it's brilliant!

Anyhoo, I need to go find out how much it's going to cost to reinstate my license to do hair. I need a job desperately!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

RAVIN' on Alyson! Ranting on ENABLERS!

So my friend Alyson has a blog I strongly suggest following. She is a SUPER SAVER! Alyson's blog is on this same site, . Today's post is a great savings bonanza at Kroger and Albertsons. Kudos to you Alyson for saving over $100 today!

 As some of you know, I'm unemployed at the moment. NO FUN. As you may also know, I have asthma and every fall/winter I get bronchitis. Also NOT FUN!  So, being unemployed, allergy season upon me, and the weather cooling down, I know whats coming. Since I'm unemployed, have no health insurance, or money to pay for a regular Dr's visit, I have made the decision to take advantage of state health care at its finest. Humbling, I assure you.

My morning started at the Bryan College Station Community Health Center. I walk in and am the only white person there. Now, this area has a lot more African Americans than where I am from and, coming from a slightly racist area, I expected there to be a lot of African Americans there. NOT the case. While there were a few, the majority of every person there, including the staff, were Hispanic. Non-English speaking Hispanics. I am about as non-racist as they come, but I am also a firm believer in "this is AMERICA, not MEXICO. Speak English!".  I just don't understand why I have to sit in a waiting room in America and hear Spanish all around me! Of course the biggest kick I get out of it is when they call my name. I love to see all the faces that look at me in shock when they call "Selina" and a WHITE girl stands up! BWAAAHAAHAA HA HA!

Humor aside. This morning's visit was an eligibility appointment. I fill out all this paperwork to sign my health away to the state. After ten minutes of filling out applications, I'm told I am eligible and to go to the window and schedule my appointment. I'm at this place by referral from the doctor I visited yesterday who gave me prescriptions for my asthma and wants me to get my annual OB/GYN taken care of since its been a whopping SIX years since I've had it done. The clinic he sent me to has medical AND dental! SCORE! But I have veered from my path...

I went up to the scheduler and asked to make an appointment. The  dumb broad checked me in for my eligibility appointment half an hour before and I know she hasn't seen any other gorgeous blondes since me, but she has to ask if I've been in before. HELLOOO, you just checked me in to get my eligibility taken care of. That is an indication that, No, I have NOT been here before.  I swear, "here's your sign".  Te he he! Anyway, I tell her no, she asks if I'm still able to have children. "Well, hunny, that's why I need to see the doctor, to make sure that all my child bearing parts are in working order!" NO, I did not say that. Woulda been funny though! Gotta love my sarcasm. I tell her that as far as I know, I can. Well, since I don't have kids and, as far as I know, I am still able to have them, before they can schedule me any kind of appointment at the clinic, whether it be for a physical or a dental issue, I have to take a FAMILY PLANNING CLASS! I'm 31 years old! I know how families start! I don't have ten kids running around my single self, I think I'm doing pretty good with out your, probably boring, family planning class! Family planning class!!!!! To see the doctor!! UGH! Sigh. "And when am I supposed to go to this class?" "For ENGLISH, Monday morning at 8:30am or today at 1:30pm." FOR ENGLISH! GRRR! Well, needless to say I'll be getting up early and falling asleep in the 8:30 class because I had a job interview today at 1:45. 

This country is full of ENABLERS! We are enabling our immigrants to NOT learn English. Everytime you call a business, at least a large corporation, or a state/federal agency, you have to press 1 for English and "para espanol, oprima numero dos".  Now, if I went to Mexico, I'd be gypped outta my mind for not speaking Spanish! I would probably end up being arrested just because, vanity aside, I'm a cute, blonde, AMERICAN, girl. (A couple years ago on a trip with my parents, we were in Del Rio and I begged my dad to take me to Mexico. Do you know what my FATHER said to me? He said "I can't take you to Mexico, I'll never get you back. You won't leave Mexico if you go in." I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure he thinks I'd be kidnapped. It may have been that he knows I love the Latin people, but I'm pretty sure it was the former.)

With that said, I do have a great love for the latin culture and its people. I just have no patience for people who REFUSE to learn the language of the country they move to. If you move to Germany, you learn German. If you move to France, you can bet your sweet cheeks they are NOT going to have recordings saying "for English, press two", they hate it when you don't speak French! So, why the heck can't people move to America and learn to speak ENGLISH!?! Geez!  RANT RANT RANT! 

Monday, October 4, 2010

YSA Activities-RANT

I will never understand why FHE and activities committee leaders pick sports like "ULTIMATE FRISBEE" for CO-ED activities, especially when said activity is set for a time that is dark outside and the activity is being played outside. What dipstick does that? Not all of us are athletic. Now if you're going to pick an sport activity, make it volleyball or FOOTBALL since we're in the state of TEXAS and we live and breath football. Come on people!  I like to be able to participate in ward activities and not look like a totally airhead or dunce! Why not pick activities where EVERYONE can participate? GRR.

Ok. I think I'm done ranting now.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Most women my age start HATING their birthdays. Me, I can still pass for 25 and take it to the limits! I love that I have such great skin! Thanks MOM! 

So, I love free stuff, especially since I have never gotten much in the way of presents. SO, birthday freebies, GOTTA LOVE EM!  I signed up with SEPHORA to get a birthday freebie. Well, unless I wanted to drive down to Houston to go to Sephora, I had to get online and get it with my online order. Sounds like I'd have to drop a $20, but in all actuality I got a lot for my money. I ordered a $5 liquid eyeliner on sale and got, not only my birthday freebie which is an eye make up set, but I also got 3 samples and a promotional item which is a skin care set. I made out like a bandit! I got the 3 samples, an eye liner, mascara, eyeshadow, another eye liner, and a set of 4 skin care items all for less than $12!! (gotta love shipping and handling) but that's a great deal for Sephora products, Bvlgari BLV II Eau de Parfum, Billy Jealousy, Smashbox products, and Nude Skin products!

If you like that kind of deal, you should check out there is a whole list of freebies you can get! I got a $30 gift certificate to BENNIHANNA for my birthday! I may have to go to Houston, but I LOVE me some Bennihanna and it is worth it to drive to Houston with a couple friends to celebrate the birth of yours truly and get some delicious sushi and hibachi grilled Japanese food! A lot of the "freebies" only require you to sign up for the company email list. Heck after you get your birthday freebie email, you can unsubscribe!

Today my friend Ami, who is not a cook by any means, decided to bake me a cake AND cupcakes! I'm so special! YAY!! he he  Ami is totally treating me like a princess today! I totally lucked out on making great friends on this move! (I moved to College Station in June) 

Now if only I could find the perfect J-O-B until next semester, I'd be set!

Have a great day ya'll!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Post One

First, let me explain my signature name: Granuaile; pronounced graw-nyuh-wail. This name is a version of a famous woman in Irish Folklore. Granuaile, known to us "Anglicans" as Grace O'Malley, was the famous Irish "Pirate Queen".  This amazing woman decided that since she was being taxed by Galway to ship goods in their waters, why not do a little taxation of her own when ships sailed through her waters? MY KIND OF WOMAN!

I can only hope to have the gaul to take matters into my own hands the way this woman did!

If you know me, which at first only those who know me will follow, you know that I am very eclectic. I sing, I dance, I learn, I study,and I have a tendency to experience life to the fullest.

I hope to use my blog to, not only keep friends and family up-to-date with my life, I hope to be able to inform. I want to give pointers on how to live frugally in today's economy or give you an idea for some crafty project.

Anyhoo, I need to get out of here. So, hope to have more fun filled, info-packed posts soon!