Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Most women my age start HATING their birthdays. Me, I can still pass for 25 and take it to the limits! I love that I have such great skin! Thanks MOM! 

So, I love free stuff, especially since I have never gotten much in the way of presents. SO, birthday freebies, GOTTA LOVE EM!  I signed up with SEPHORA to get a birthday freebie. Well, unless I wanted to drive down to Houston to go to Sephora, I had to get online and get it with my online order. Sounds like I'd have to drop a $20, but in all actuality I got a lot for my money. I ordered a $5 liquid eyeliner on sale and got, not only my birthday freebie which is an eye make up set, but I also got 3 samples and a promotional item which is a skin care set. I made out like a bandit! I got the 3 samples, an eye liner, mascara, eyeshadow, another eye liner, and a set of 4 skin care items all for less than $12!! (gotta love shipping and handling) but that's a great deal for Sephora products, Bvlgari BLV II Eau de Parfum, Billy Jealousy, Smashbox products, and Nude Skin products!

If you like that kind of deal, you should check out there is a whole list of freebies you can get! I got a $30 gift certificate to BENNIHANNA for my birthday! I may have to go to Houston, but I LOVE me some Bennihanna and it is worth it to drive to Houston with a couple friends to celebrate the birth of yours truly and get some delicious sushi and hibachi grilled Japanese food! A lot of the "freebies" only require you to sign up for the company email list. Heck after you get your birthday freebie email, you can unsubscribe!

Today my friend Ami, who is not a cook by any means, decided to bake me a cake AND cupcakes! I'm so special! YAY!! he he  Ami is totally treating me like a princess today! I totally lucked out on making great friends on this move! (I moved to College Station in June) 

Now if only I could find the perfect J-O-B until next semester, I'd be set!

Have a great day ya'll!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Post One

First, let me explain my signature name: Granuaile; pronounced graw-nyuh-wail. This name is a version of a famous woman in Irish Folklore. Granuaile, known to us "Anglicans" as Grace O'Malley, was the famous Irish "Pirate Queen".  This amazing woman decided that since she was being taxed by Galway to ship goods in their waters, why not do a little taxation of her own when ships sailed through her waters? MY KIND OF WOMAN!

I can only hope to have the gaul to take matters into my own hands the way this woman did!

If you know me, which at first only those who know me will follow, you know that I am very eclectic. I sing, I dance, I learn, I study,and I have a tendency to experience life to the fullest.

I hope to use my blog to, not only keep friends and family up-to-date with my life, I hope to be able to inform. I want to give pointers on how to live frugally in today's economy or give you an idea for some crafty project.

Anyhoo, I need to get out of here. So, hope to have more fun filled, info-packed posts soon!